Friday, June 29, 2012

Volleyball Coaching

Armins Vehsderis came into taught Rooms 5 - 8 skills in volleyball.  Some of the skills taught were serving, passing, setting and how to do a volley.  We all had a go by working with buddies.  Armins plays for the Nelson Volleyball team so he was perfect for the job of coaching us.  The instructions we got were clear and understandable and we look forward to his next visit.
Report written by Sophia Motley
                                         Students receive instructions....
                                .....then have a go.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

40 Hour Famine

40 Hour Famine
Congratulations to the 30 students who stayed the night at school last Thursday  to complete the 20 Hour Famine. They were a privilege to give up my comfy bed for.  A special thank you to Jo Bryant and Nina Pelling for also giving up their beds to help me with their supervision.

Students need to have their sponsorship money to the office along with the sponsorship booklets by this Thursday.

Some of the students who cared enough
 about other children around the world to stay the night
with the Principal!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Teacher Only Day

The school will be closed Monday 16 July for the teaching staff to have training in a national assessment programme, e-asTTle. This means the students will come back for the start of Term 3 on Tuesday 17 July instead of the Monday.